Upload Photos

Submission/Publishing Guidelines

If you want to upload a photo on mixcommerce then fill out the following form.

Things to do before you upload

  1. Upload Images in google drive
  2. Generate a publically accessible link
  3. Fill the form

Terms of Upload: 

  1. Once the image is uploaded we will take 1-2 weeks to process the image and schedule publishing.
  2. Read the terms of service and privacy policy to know the usage, distribution, and restriction.
  3. We do not publish any content that shows any adult parts or is explicitly suggestive.
  4. Once the image is made public, any commercial or noncommercial entity will be able to use photos for their own purpose.
  5. We encourage businesses and individuals to use the images as per our terms of service but we do not guarantee or necessarily legally enforce any violations.
  6. Any dispute should be resolved by the uploader and users. MixPhotos or MixCommerce does take no stand in between and would not likely as well as legally would not be responsible to resolve the disputes.
  7. By Uploading photos, or making a photo upload request, you will give us permission to view, download, and redistribute the shared resources on our distribution channel(physical or digital)
  8. A MixCommerce will have to do significant visible modification before they sell it to another party.
  9. MixPhotos users are not allowed to take names or persons or write any personal story that involves the real identity of the person. We request you to not write the name or the person who appeared in the photo.

Note: We have kept the upload process manual but going forward we plan to give you upload access, with security to avoid any adult content.